The memories of my 1st JomHeboh visit still haunts me. Being in traffic jam for 3 long hours was a disaster. Hoping to learn to shoot during a live concert, I give it a try. We (Fardy my nephew, New2Mac & me) shoot of from Masjid Seberang Jaya around 530. A salute to the PLUS & Police officers who are working and making sure the traffic runs smoothly. It was a good & non stop way straight to the JomHeboh site. Normal, the parking was a bit of a problem. It's packed with thousands of people.
Luckily we got a spot, and parked. With the help of my niece, I got the pass for the MyTV3 & Hotlink special area, right in front of the stage.
The only thing about this concert I hate was the SECURITY!! They should have opened the gate and let people who came very early to get inside the box. The audience with the handband had to pile up and squeezed in when they opened the gate so late. And then when the crowd starts to rush in.. the SECURITY got angry. Stupid!
And after we got the spot, I prepared my camera and again, the same STUPID SECURITY guy came over the fence and said.. "No Professional Photographers allowed!! Kalau ambil gambar nanti saya rampas kamera. Kaki kamera tu simpan" SO FREAKIN STUPID LAME ASS!! Am I a professional photographer? Using a DSLR does not mean I'm pro you BAFOON!!! And the 'kaki' thingy is call a TRIPOD!!
If any of TV3 Crew reads this, just let the normal person who shoots something for the enjoyment of having good pics and sharing with friends on the net to enjoy ourselves. Come on TV3, by right, we promotes you guys.
Anyhow, I don't give a damn bout that LAME ASS SECURITY GUY, and I just took my shots. Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the concert, although Dato' Siti wasn't able to be there, the performance of other artists was great. I enjoyed myself shooting and learning on shooting without using a flash.
Here are the pics of the concert that I took.
My setting (Nikon D60 + Nikkor 55-200 (non VR)) with no flash. ISO setting range from 800-1600 only.
Hey Mr. Security, I still got my shots! U? Got cursed all nite.. MR. LAME ASS!
Lawo2 gamo hang ....
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